The sky was clear and a soft spring breeze wafted through the woods. The President stood in the tall grass bordering the forest and shouted “civil rights”, the democratic mating call. In response, a democrat popped his head up from the safely of the grass yelling “gun control, gun control.” When he saw the guns, he quickly scurried into the woods.
The President and the Vice-President turned to each other and smiled. The hunt was on. For an hour they tracked their quarry by following it’s spoor; a leftist newsletter here, an ACLU pin there, and soon they were closing in for the kill. At the VP’s suggestion they both split up in hopes of surrounding it.
Unfortunately for the President, his VP had an agenda all his own regarding the hunt. Despite the common front they presented to the press there were deep divisions between him and his President. He wanted to take over the world, the President only wanted to poison it. He supported the death sentence for homosexuals, the President supported castration. The arguments in the oval office would sometimes last all night.
Something had to be done. The VP circled around ahead of the President and from the cover of a nearby bush, he took careful aim and squeezed the trigger.
The next day, he would announce to the world, his face streaming with crocodile tears, that the President had been shot in a freak hunting accident, and once again, the American public would believe everything it was told.
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